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+0 points
over 6 years
Original Poster
I am living a torchured life do to lack of sleep. I own a adaptive Bipap and CPAP but still cannot sleep more than 3-4 a day.
I have tried countless drugs to sleep and found all have some type of extreme side effect.
My adaptive Bipap allowes me to sleep some but never more than a couple hours.
Heavy male but not obese. Thoughts?
On the CPAP can you give more information such as the make and model, what are the pressures set at, and the masks you are using? Are there any specific issues which cause you to wake up while on the CPAP? Do you take it off in the night?
On the general sleeping without sleeping pills you may find this website at the link below helpful. They advocate the use of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy instead of pills, or CBTi. The information is not specific to CPAP use, but I have found some of their information quite helpful in my ability to get a good night's sleep.
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