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Clear/Open Apneas

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IntellectualCoffeeFox7084 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

I don't see a search function so this may already be asked and answered and I didn't see it.

I did a sleep study and received my bipap machine about 6 months ago. The pulmonologist I went to is hard for me to get in to see and no decent people skills imo. I was told "you have sleep apnea because you are fat but it's ok because you are young (31) so you can easily lose the weight."

I've been keeping track of my apneas via the DreamMapper app that connects to my device and when I do have apneas now they are all labeled as clear/open (not hypopneas). From my understanding those don't really have much to do with weight and are more your brain forgetting to tell your body to breathe. Is that a correct understanding and is there anything I can do to prevent those from happening?

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Sleep +0 points · over 7 years ago

The search function is the magnifying glass located to the left of the sign in/logout button. Others have discussed clear apneas before. Check those posts. What are your numbers for the clear apneas, that will give a better reference for your question?

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IntellectualCoffeeFox7084 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

Apparently the search just doesn't appear on my tablet. My clear apneas vary, the last five nights were 12, 0, 1, 34, and 5. My obstructive for each night was 5 or less. My BiPap runs at 14/8.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · over 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

The search function on many forums is part of the forum software and may be substandard. If you can use google, try searching this site in the following manner:

site:myapnea.org "clear apnea"

Of course, the search term you are searching for in this case is CLEAR APNEA. If you want to search only on one word, you don't use the quotes as they are for phrases. Hope this helps.

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