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Do we know any doctors doing original research?

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BusyWolf +0 points · about 3 years ago Original Poster

Particularly on causes of CSA?

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Dude +0 points · about 3 years ago

it's nuerological if OA's are not the issue. Your chemoreceptors send the signal the brain... to breathe. The respiratory center responds in return by changing its firing pattern to alter breathing rhythm and volume. The brain doesn't respond for the you to breathe. The brain stem is not functioning properly... intermitted.

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Sierra +0 points · about 3 years ago Sleep Patron

There are many different causes of complex sleep apnea. Dr. Robert Thomas that has written an article about it in the Education Blog section here.

Complex Sleep Apnea

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Dude +0 points · about 3 years ago

ok, so I guess the OP needs to figure out where he stands than.

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