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Does Sleep Apnea happen Overnight or is it something that grows on you after awhile?

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ConvivialPrussianBlueLobster1063 +0 points · about 9 years ago Original Poster

Can anyone tell me if someone can get Sleep Apnea overnight? Can someone take a sleep test on Monday and not show any Sleep Apnea and then take the same Sleep Test on Friday that same week, at the same place of the previous sleep study and then signs of Sleep Apnea show up? Or does someone get sleep apnea throughout the years. Thanks ...

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TheresaS +0 points · about 9 years ago

Hi @ConvivialPrussianBlueLobster1063 . It can happen that on your first sleep study night you had what is commonly referred to in the sleep lab community as "first night effect"- just meaning perhaps you did not sleep as soundly in a new environment. Upon the second night, the feeling of "not so new environment" perhaps allowed you to sleep more deeply where your upper airway could relax and reproduce the apneic events for your study tracing.

Generally, obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that worsens over time, until it is highly noticeable. A person may just start out with some benign snoring. Hope this helps, and thank you for your question.

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Bluerock6360 +0 points · about 9 years ago

Ok, obstructive sleep apnea may take weeks or years as the body changes and ages, but what about central sleep apnea?

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TheresaS +0 points · about 9 years ago

@Bluerock6360 I am gathering some information for you I will post here when I am back in the office Sunday evening. Thank you for asking for this important information!

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