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Few questions from a newbie

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SociableMagentaRoseBear1880 +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

Hello! I'm newly diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea. I received my machine and mask (mask: DreamWear and machine: Dream station) this week and have been using it every night since as much as I can stand it (sometimes I had to take it off after five hours or so because I had trouble getting a restful sleep). I just had some questions about the results I'm getting. So according to the machine, last night my AHI was 9.5, with 15 total clear airway apneas, 3 total obstructive apneas, and 30 hypopneas. I'm a little confused as to what that exactly means. I did some research and it looks like the total clear airway apneas is the same as central sleep apnea so for this, the CPAP machine machine won't have any affect, correct? And when it says I had 3 apneas and 30 hypopneas does that mean I had that many events but the machine "fixed" it or does it mean that even with the machine I still had 3 apneas and 30 hypopneas?

As for the mask, does anyone have any experience with the Dreamwear mask? Couple things, the actual mask, I guess "frame", is a medium with the nostril part being a small. My rep told me that if the medium is moving around to much to call and get a small sent to me. Has anyone tried the small vs. medium? The medium fits well enough but there is a gap at the top of my head so I don't know it the small will be more comfortable in that aspect and keep it from moving around. Also when I lay on my side the mask seems to leak a bit so I have to adjust myself and the mask so for that I don't know if it's just the mask or that the mask is a little bit too big. Also, I woke up and my mouth was really dry, like the Sahara desert. Does this mean that I was sleeping with my mouth open for a little or can your mouth get dry like that just from the air? I do have the humidifier on but it doesn't really seem to do much, I don't notice much of a difference. Also with the dreamwear mask, my lips get really dry, I think from the air blowing out of the little hole under the nose. I put chapstick on before I go to sleep, but I'm still waking up from the dryness, is this just something I'll get used to? Thanks in advance, this is all just so new to me!

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Won't try and explain the terms but in general you seem to understand what they mean correctly. What you are using to monitor isn't clear but you are sleeping then you jaw goes slack and the mouth comes open. This is the cause of the dry mouth. I use a boil and bite mouth guard to keep my jaw from going slack and it works well for me but others tape their mouth (ouch) and others use a chin strap. In any case, the humidifier won't help that much and you will use a LOT of distilled water. What is your L/Min (leak per minute rate)?

The wrong size mask definitely is going to leak. It is also going to be annoying with whistles and air in your eyes. Mask pads help mitigate the air in the eyes but if the leak is bad you need to look at the correct sized mask or a different mask. I used a full face Simplus and used mask pads and had only a small amount of leaks. It did leak if I moved at all as the seal would be disrupted. I can use this mask because I don't move during the night with it on. It took awhile to figure out the correct sized cushion. They started me off with one that was too large and I just bought my own in order to fine the size that worked best.

I went to an Amara View and it does NOT leak with the correct size cushion. It doesn't have a plastic center brace and fits under your nose (not over0 and over your mouth. I can turn on my size as the mask is much lighter and doesn't get knocked around. No mask pads necessary with this mask. I am TOTALLY leak free most nights (about 12 out of 14).

Keep in mind everyone must find their own solution as what works for one person won't work for the other. I found that the tech doing the fitting had no clue and I just had to do some trial and error on my own as the DME didn't like you to try masks on in the office (they couldn't be resold). Until you sleep with a mask you can't tell about size or fitment so unless you have a super-skilled tech fitting you, you will have to do some trial and error. Mask type also depends on face shape and pressures prescribed. My pressures are maximum high (21/25 bipap) and I can't use nasal masks but perhaps you can. Do monitor your results nightly to ensure you have the best info for making therapy strategy decisions.

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EasygoingOrchidClam6055 +0 points · about 7 years ago

I started out with medium mask (I use the same as you - Dream Machine with nasal pillows) - but was getting too much leaking. Switched to small and it has been perfect since.

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