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I cannot get the mask to stay on all night

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forbegos +0 points · about 9 years ago Original Poster

I have just been diagnosed and I am using a FFM. I fall asleep ok with the mask I guess because of the ramp up functionality. My problem is I wake up because the mask starts leaking air all over. Not matter how much I try to tighten it, there are always leaks and I end up having to give it up. This usually happens after about 1 to 2 hours in.

Anybody having similar issues that can offer a solution?

Thank you!

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dawnnnny +0 points · about 9 years ago

I had the same problems but I ordered a mask liner from Pad A Cheek and it did the trick, no leaks and a quiet night. I would definitely suggest giving it a try. Here is the link: http://www.padacheek.com/PAC_Maskliners.html

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forbegos +0 points · about 9 years ago Original Poster

Thanks! I just ordered one. Hopefully it helps! Do you need to tighten the mask more with the liner so that it does not leak?

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dawnnnny +0 points · about 9 years ago

I can't remember if I had to tighten it more - I was doing it pretty tight to begin with to try to stop the leaks. I turned my machine onto 12 pressure while I had it on sitting, then I laid down and moved around a lot to make sure it didn't leak (if it does, you may have to tighten it a little). I have some very faint lines on my face in the morning but they disappear fast. Another positive thing (for me) is that the couple of times it did leak, it was very "gentle" - it didn't make me jump a foot off the bed, so I was able to just push it against my face (adjust the placement w/o tightening) and then it was fine. I'm using the CPAP pillow too but I have to have it on top of another pillow b/c I like my head higher. I'm loving both. Last night I had the best sleep since starting this a few weeks ago. Good luck!! They are super fast with delivery. I hope you find it helps!

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shap42 +0 points · about 9 years ago

I have the same problem, and will try the mask liner. I've been using my CPAP for 6 months and only a few times has it stayed on more than 2.5 hours. Usually, I take it off after 1.5 hours (does not include the 30 minute ramp). I'm considering asking my doctor for prescription sleeping pills bc I don't really want to go the surgery route.

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bacinmass +0 points · almost 9 years ago

As a long time user, I have found that if I wash my face right before bed, and also use a mask cleaner to clean the seal around the mask, there is a much better chance of the seal working better. Sometimes our natural skin oils make things faintly slippery and contributes to mask leaks.

Also, I try to use a mask seal that is as new as possible - - this depends on how often your insurance will let you get replacement masks, or replacement parts.

Another mask liner that you might consider, RemZZZs. Here is their website: http://www.remzzzs.com/

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dawnnnny +0 points · almost 9 years ago

The remzzs masks are expensive because they're disposable so they run about $25 a month. I ordered a mask liner from Pad A Cheek for $20 and it's supposed to last 6 months. I have had no leaks since I started using one. After you wash it the first time, let it air dry flat. I did that but I had to put a quick warm iron on it to get the wrinkles out. The wrinkles caused a little leaking. Once I ironed it, it was fine. I would have stopped using my cpap had I not found these liners. Give them a try!


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TheresaS +0 points · almost 9 years ago

Great tips! Thank you for sharing @dawnnnny & @bacinmass . Nightly facial hygiene and mask cleaning are vital in having a good seal.

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DiscreetSilverDog2864 +0 points · almost 7 years ago

I had the wrinkles and i follow the skincare routine with dermalmd serum.Just wash your face completely to clean previous make up and then apply this serum before bed.The next day you can feel the difference and continue it for 3 weeks.

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