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Inspire Device surgery coming up...

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mlleelise +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

I have been approved for implantation of the Inspire device - and I am very excited. The only real concern is that in my area (Albany, NY) this is a new procedure. A matter of fact, I am the first patient approved and have to wait for 4 more patient approvals before the hospital will proceed with ordering 5 devices. My doctor is being trained on its implantation - and I will probably be his FIRST patient. That has me worried. Any thoughts ? Should I wait until he has done a few procedures first? Should I travel nearby, but out of state, to a doctor who has done many of these surgeries?

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Redvolvo +0 points · about 6 years ago

I would not be concerned about your doctor. I would be concerned with whether you are a good candidate for the procedure. It does not work for everyone. I have an implant and it does not work. Don't be fooled by claims about how effective it is. It's easy to lie with statistics. I would ask your doc. What if it doesn't work?

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mlleelise +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

Thanks very much for your response. According to my doctor, I am the perfect candidate...so I sure hope I am. I've had an impossible time with various cpap machines/masks of all kinds over the last 5 years - all the while my apnea has progressed from moderate to severe. My AHI is between 30 and 40. Because of this, I'm willing to try ANYTHING that might help.

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SleepDent +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Just wondering. Have you tried an oral sleep apnea appliance. They do work for some cases of severe sleep apnea. A lot easier than surgery. Arthur B. Luisi, Jr., D.M.D.

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Redvolvo +0 points · about 6 years ago

That's what I was told. Bet my apnea is worse than yours. I have no life. The Inspire failure has been the biggest letdown of my entire life. I;m back at CPAP school with some improvement. I really hope I it works for you. Please remember as my doc told me this is a therapy that "may" improve your apnea. There is no cure.

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