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Resmed VPAP Auto S9/H5i

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FearlessBronzeRhinoceros1720 +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

I received a new machine this year and the old one is still perfectly good. I checked a couple website but they only want machines with low hours and mine has 5100 hours on it. I understand theyre good for 10,000 + hours. What do any of you do with your used machines? Thanks!

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I bought a machine from a fella on Craigslist who claimed his mother had used it and switched machine. It was an S9 with Bipap mode (can't recall the ResMed lingo for this machine. In any case, after using it for an hour, the blower motor created a big noise that varied with Bipap pressure and the noise came through the tubing and was more than I could take. Didn't help to use ear plugs. If I ever find the fella, I know where I would stick the machine. Anyway, there are few places that are authorized to make repairs on ResMed machines (they won't sell a blower motor which costs about $50) and with an hours labor (minimum charge), it would cost about $150 to repair the thing so it sits in a cabinet in my bathroom. It also didn't make any difference if I set the Bipap (normal 21/25) to 25/25. Noise was LOUD either way after an hour. I totally disassembled the machine but could see no way to replace motor bearings which I am guessing is the issue.

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FearlessBronzeRhinoceros1720 +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

Wiredgeorge, That's terrible! I can't believe people sell things they know are broken. I'm uncomfortable selling a Rx item as I would feel responsible if the person used it and something bad happened, Sleep Apnea is such a serious health issue and people actually die from it...... I thought maybe someone on this forum knew of places that check out and redistribute to those in need.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Once you have been doing this for awhile, the person who wants to know how to set up a machine according to the original prescription can do so. I agree it isn't helpful and can be harmful to set up things without using the prescribed settings. I also know that when you have a 25 pressure, they put you on a bipap with the assumption the lower exhale pressure allows easier breathe cycle for fear the high pressure may not allow the person do exhale easily. When I experimented with this, I made the exhale 25 and it had no effect but since the machine screamed like a banshee after an hour, I didn't keep this setting as noise was the reason I tried it. If you want to donate, google, "donate used durable medical goods" and a bunch of organization pop up. You would want to talk with them to find out whether a uses PAP device fits into their wheelhouse.

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