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still struggling/Nuvigil

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KindPinkGuanaco9781 +0 points · over 7 years ago Original Poster

Have been on cpap for about a year. Things have improved somewhat but are not where they should be; sleepy by the afternoon and evening. I am about to try Nuvigil; does anyone have experience with this drug? Short term? Long term? thank you--

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Borristhefish +0 points · about 7 years ago

Hello I have been on nuvigil in the past. Chronic fatigue is the description as to how I felt by 2pm. Work started at 8 am. I found that dosage was important. I was told to take it first thing in the morning. I started with 200mg felt the first week slightly different disoriented but able to function. No real answer as to what is suppose to change. Doctor after two weeks said well how do you feel? I said tired. He said OK and increased me. Then it worked. My doctor advised me that the medicine can make your urine smell really bad. So when I said no change and no urine smell the increase after a week maybe 10 days as this is 2 years ago, suddenly he was right the smell. But then what plain and simple I could focus later in the day the concentration I lost was much better I was still tired but could think and that's the goal. Each person is different I needed the highest dosage but taking double or triple does not make it work better. I changed insurance so I take the provigil which is a competitor. By far it helps it does the same thing but its IMO not the better of the two. Nuvigil and provigil sneak up on you and it is hard to verbalize the reason you feel better. I can tell you that nothing negative as in side effects have been noticed other than the urine smell which honestly is not really bad but an indicator that your body has enough in you to be doing something. I would watch the clock and see what time of day before taking it that you are tired and just done so to speak. After a few weeks of nuvigil see how you feel at the same time of day can you focus? Hope that helps.

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KindPinkGuanaco9781 +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

Borristhefish--thank you very much for sharing your experience and this information. Very helpful and I hope to hear from others as well.

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OptimisticLimeFlamingo6906 +0 points · about 7 years ago

I experienced the same problem. The CPAP helped a little on my sleepiness but I was still struggling to stay awake. I’m not sure if you’ve had a PSG and MSLT (nap study the next day after the overnight sleep study). The nap study helps to determine if you have Narcolepsy or not. I didn’t but have since been DX with Idiopathic Hypersomnia (IH). I’m basically sleepy 24/7/365. I was on Provigil (similar to Nuvigil). I was taking 200 mg twice a day. Although it helped, I was still sleepy and could fall asleep at meetings or watching tv. I ended up on high dosages of Adderall but even that did not take care of my sleepiness 100%. Good luck on your trial. They usually start you on a low dosage. Do not be afraid to let the Dr know if you’re still sleepy (important to use sleepy not tired as the mean different things to the Dr.).

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KindPinkGuanaco9781 +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

OptimisticLimeFlamingo6906--Thank you very much for sharing your experience. This info is very helpful to me.

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