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ugh ...got the flu

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Bissabella +0 points · about 7 years ago Original Poster

Well I came down with the flu and dr said to take off the CPAP for a few days as I have mild sleep apnea and coughing against the pressure was annoying me to the point i couldn't sleep. Anyone else deal with that when they are sick?

Also, now I am wondering about supercleaning everything that Ive touched! Before I was only rinsing the tubing with water water weekly, rinsing the humidifier chamber weekly and cleaning my mask everyday with Dove soap. I dont want pneumonia!

Should I be using vinegar or something stronger for the tubing?

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Richhome +0 points · about 7 years ago

I have been using Cpap for just over a month. I also had the flu about two weeks ago, thought about stopping the Cpap treatment. Doctors said to try to use the mask anyway. Seems that I did sleep much better with the mask on, although had to stop a couple times from coughing. Cleaned the mask, tubing and tank with soap and water and everything seems fine. Although we are done with the flu virus, the coughing is still present now and then.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · about 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Definitely stay away from bleach-type disinfecting cleaners. i use a boil and bite mouth guard to keep my jaw from sagging and my mouth shut. I clean it with hydrogen peroxide and this stuff is likely more effective than vinegar although using either probably can't hurt. Peroxide doesn't leave an odor. When I get a very stuffy nose, the Bipap machine is a relief as it allows me to breathe easily during the night so I always use, especially when I have a bug. Some flu related bugs are not killed easily by the prior mentioned stuff nor even alcohol so just do what you can as far as preventive cleaning and don't worry about it much. I doubt alcohol is good for the plastic/vinyl stuff.

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Bissabella +0 points · almost 7 years ago Original Poster

Thank you! So soap and water is pretty much ok? I was thinking i needed something more potent in the tube

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Can't say as I haven't washed the tube I use now in at least 3-4 years.

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BrightLilacDove4332 +0 points · almost 7 years ago

Frankly, I don't worry about the tube much. When I breathe out, most of the air goes out through the nose piece and there is constant air pressure coming in through the tube, so not many germs are going the other way. The air coming in is filtered by the machine and is normal household air. if you don't walk around wearing a mask in the house, why be suspicious of that same air when it is brought through your machine? I do use a steri-wipe on my nose piece periodically. I could do it every day, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

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S2S +0 points · almost 7 years ago

All the air goes out the mask vent, however, you do need to clean the hose every now and again. Bacteria does build up after a while and so does mold. You should also check the vents in the mask for mold, if you study the vents you may see a dark (black) edge to the mask vents, this is most likely to be a mold, nice warm and damp is perfect for mold growth. So humidifiers, hoses, masks and any other things like headgear should be washed with soap and water. The type you do dishes in is fine. There is a pink slime that can grow in humidifiers, this is an airborne bacteria, it can also appear in showers and areas where warn damp areas. It can be removed by the same treatment with soapy warm water. However, a bit of elbow grease is required to get rid of this pink slime, a little bit of scrubbing into the corners. It will come back quite quickly, but I have put up with it for more years than I care to admit, it has not done me any harm, but I like to keep it under control. A wipe that does not have alcohol in them is fine for wiping down the mask each night and for keeping the seal clean.

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