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Why is my cpap set to upload at noon est?

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mec955i +0 points · almost 3 years ago Original Poster

Hi I have a resmed cpap, and it sends back to resmed at noon est. It resets for the day, I work 3rd shift, for my sleep time to count I have to wait till noon to even go to sleep, was forced into this by a DOT physical, it was in the paperwork, got tested with a cold with the wrist watch monitor, was told then I needed a cpap, never had any issues sleeping 6-8 hours, now I get 2-4 hours sleep, why should I have to wait till noon for my sleep to count, and I have to sit for 2 hours on Sunday watching TV and I have had to drive 80mph to get home for 2 hours on the cpap before resetting at noon! This is a living hell, went to the top of resmed and medline, nothing can be done!! Can someone help?

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Sierra +0 points · almost 3 years ago Sleep Patron

Have you considered changing the time on the CPAP? I have a ResMed and it is a bit cranky about changing time when daylight saving time changes. Seems to me it will only go one way - forward, but not back. Perhaps just advance the time until 12 noon EST is at a convenient time of the day for you.

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phillip1096 +0 points · over 2 years ago

is this true for all of the airsense 11. I am in Arizona which is at 12 noon eastern would be 9am or 10 with dst

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mec955i +0 points · over 2 years ago Original Poster

Hi that is where the resmed company remotely uploads the data to the server and resets every cpap across the country! No exceptions!

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