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Wired George and mouth guard

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Wired George,

I thought I had solved the problem of my mouth filling up with air by using a chin strap, tape and toenail separators to put slight pressure on my cheeks to keep them from puffing out, but I'm back to the same problem again.

I'm going to try the mouth guard again. Do you use a chin strap with your mouth guard or just the mouth guard and a mask? Also, would the mouth guard work with the nasal mask I am using (Eason)?


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wiredgeorge +1 point · almost 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I bought a chin strap just prior to going with the mouth gaurd but never used it as it was and is unnecessary. I can't say how the mouthgaurd will work with any mask. I use it with a full face Amara View and have used it with a Simplus (also full face) and it works fine. These masks bottom edge of the cushion sits in the hollow below my lower lip and I think these act as sort of a reminder as it is possible for you jaw to slip even with the mouth gaurd in place. Your mouth can still open and basically act as a big air leak even with the mouth gaurd on an occasional basis. In the past two weeks, I have had ZERO leaks on all but three days. On two days, the leaks were very minor (less than 10 L/min) and the one day, the mask was in my mouth all night I guess and had 60 L/min. Even then my AHI were at ZERO for that day (not sure I understand this issue yet). On the other two nights where I had leaks under 10 L/min, my AHI was under 1 as is pretty normal. During the past two weeks I have had three days were NO AHI was reported by the machine. Hope this answered your question.... You will just have to try your mask and see what happens; suggest monitoring the results with software of some sort.

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Great. Thanks Wired George. I appreciate your help.

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wiredgeorge +1 point · almost 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

If you are thankful enough, I will send my paypal address and you can send my normal fifty cent co-pay! hehe

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Ha! Ha!

I tried the boil and bite mouth guard last night with my nasal mask. The problem is that the air comes out of the corners of my mouth. I thought about taping, but the mouth guards creates too big of a space between the lips to cover with tape. The corners of my mouth are open and won't close. I'll try it with the Amara View, and see if that solves it unless you have other ideas.

I'd like to stick with the Eason nasal mask because my AHI is about 5 less on average as compared to the Amara View so less pressure is needed. The respiratory therapist told me that she has seen the same thing with the Amara, but it's the only full face mask we've been able to find that will seal on my small face.

One more question: I noticed with the Eason that I do better if I let the tip of tongue fall to my lower teeth. Somehow that still keeps the back of my tongue up on the roof of my mouth somewhat without getting as much sputtering. My mouth is dry when I wake up, but my AHI is always under 2, if not 1, so the therapy is working. And my mouth is less dry than with a full face mask. Have you ever heard of anything like that?


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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 8 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

Not really... I don't notice my tongue much or where it is in my mouth. Sorry. I also don't think the corners of my mouth are open any and not sure on that issue either.

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baseten +0 points · almost 8 years ago Original Poster

Thanks Wired George. I think I just have a small mouth, but it was worth a try.

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