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I am new to this site. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea back in 2000 and was given my first machine. I moved around a lot and in that time I never really felt I needed it as my partner was always keeping an eye on me. Then I suddenly got sick in December of 2010 and went into respitory failure. The doctor in the hospital wouldn't let me out unless I promised to use my machine. I needed a new one so my insurance at that time paid for it. Then about 5ys later I needed a replacement machine because the one I had was getting old and had been dropped. To make a long story short. The machine that I received as a replacement was a "loaner" I did not know that at the time. Fast forward a year and a few months takes us to June of this year. All this time I was a faithful BiPap user. Then I get told that I needed a sleep study for the doctor to be able to send in a prescription for a new machine. I had my sleep study a few weeks ago now the doctor is saying I don;t have sleep apnea any more yet, because of the Polycythemia vera (elevated red blood cells caused by my bone marrow) when I lye down I feel like I can;t breath correctly with out my machine. I wanted to know if anyone else is having the same sort of issue. I have lost some weight which might contribute to my no longer needing a machine due to sleep apnea but still feel like i need one.