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Does a CPAP treat/reduce/cure narcolepsy?
How can I change the machine's default settings so the minimum pressure is 7 cm, the EPR is 3 and Ramp only?
When I start my machine, the number in the middle of the circle is '4'. At the top right, the display shows: Pressure 4.0 - 20.0. (There doesn't seem to be any way to change the minimum and maximum pressures). Ramp-up is 'Auto'.
I have to stay semi-awake so I can consciously keep my mouth closed so I can exhale through the nasal pillows. Then, after about one hour of use, I have to turn the machine off and remove the nasal pillows so I can fall asleep. (That defeats the purpose of the machine). What am I doing wrong?
Note: Apparently, this machine is a 'loaner' that is NOT set up so I can see the Sleep Report. After using it for 3 nights, I return it to the Sleep Clinic. A 'permanent' machine will then be shipped to me. When it arrives, I'll install the SleepyHead app so I can see the chart in your example.
Another question: Is the starting "pressure" always '4'? During sleep, what pressure is reached?
I've just started using the AirSense 10 AutoSet device with the AirFit P10 Nasal Pillows.
Should I use the chin strap to keep my mouth closed so I exhale through the nasal pillows? Or should I NOT use the chin strap and exhale through my mouth?