Several months ago, I started falling asleep while driving. Have had two sleep studies since then; the second one yielded sleep apnea diagnosis. Took a while to get set up with CPAP, finally received one and began to use it at end of April. I've pretty much gotten used to it except sometimes I feel like there's a tornado going through my head. My mouth gets pushed open, wind pours out of it - overall it does not help me sleep. There must be some setting that's off. And I've no idea how to fix it.
The results that show up about my sleep also seem weird. At least I think they're inconsistent, and they make no sense to me. In the morning, I can send information to my computer about what happened the night before. It shows three types of 'events:' clear apneas, obstructed apneas and hypopneas. I now have very few obstructed apneas, but high numbers in both of the other types. Some nights have had as many as 35 to 40 clear apneas, and 32 to 37 hypopneas. But I have only a handful of obstructed apneas, maybe 2 to 4. Couple of times had none at all. My overall AHI generally is 4 to 8, though it's worse on the really bad nights.
I'm confused about the exact difference between clear apneas and hypopneas. They both seem to involve not breathing. Is it possible that the CPAP increases its airflow when it senses I'm not breathing, and that causes the tornado effect? That's my husband's theory, and it's plausible, I suppose.
But if that's the case, what can I do about it? Is there anything? I have a Dreammapper machine and a tiny little Dreamware pillow mask. I also have a.number of other health issues, which I'm learning can be connected with apnea, including chronic pain from a deteriorating spine (have had three neck surgeries and one lower back one); in addition, have high blood pressure and recently developed high blood sugar, approaching diabetes level. I'm thin, at least. Am in early 70's, and still work.
Didn't mean to be so long winded, but had a lot to cover. Would really appreciate any suggestions, comments, and whatever else.
Many thanks,