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Hi, Dan here from the UK. I think I may have sleep apnea so I ordered a home study. Trouble is I've been sleeping worse than ever recently, and the night of the test didn't go too well in terms of actual sleep. Will my Dr just say this is inconclusive or whatever? How would you interpret these results, if anyone is familiar with them? Am I right in saying the little evidence there is does point towards sleep apnea?
spO2 Summary: Total Time: 08:47:34 Valid Time: 00:51:02 Min sp02: 83 Max sp02: 99 Mean sp02: 96 ODI: 0.7
Respiration Summary: APN Sum: 6 APN Time: 00:03:39 HYP Sum: 8 HYP Time: 00:01:31 AH Index: 1.5 Snore Index: 1.0