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sleep onset apnea 01

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Southafrican +0 points · about 5 years ago Original Poster

I just just googled Lorra Garricks sleep transition apnea , and her latest updated article on it answers a lot. As a matter of fact , she calls it sleep onset central apnea and mentions you could be suffering from both. I will try in the week to upload her article here when I get some time. She has put her finger on the pulse with it. Its there. It exists. Its explained. Its not always anxiety or stress and there are options to treat it. Lets hope we get it right to come to some semblance of a normal lifestyle.

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Jane91 +0 points · about 5 years ago

Southafrican, I'm sorry to hear about your struggles and how long they've persisted. One thing that's worth mentioning, that my specialist told me, is that a lot of doctors look at sleep apnea as a "one sickness, one cause" sort of problem. On the contrary, sleep onsets and apneas during REM sleep can occur for a variety of reasons. In me, the sleep onsets (I experienced the same, 2-3 second pauses before transitioning into sleep for a long time) were driven by stress. I was at a time of great change in my life.

While stress may not be the precise trigger that causes the onsets in you, it could very well be the reason the problem has persisted for so long at such intensity. That's just my two cents, from my experience. I found great relief from changing my mindset, diet and activity level over time.

Anyway, one thing that may be worth exploring with your doctor is Remede System by Respicardia. It's a phrenic nerve stimulator. Your problem may be originating from a neurological disorder. Central Sleep Apnea - the most common culprit behind onset events - is often a misfiring between the phrenic nerve and the brain. The Remede System is supposed to basically do the stimulating for you.

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Southafrican +0 points · about 5 years ago Original Poster

If I knew for sure that stress was causing my apneas at onset repeatedly , stopping me from getting much sleep I would certainly be relieved. Its something you can work at. Strange bit I dont understand is that these onsebapneas are even worse during the day if I try to nap. So no sleeping day or night time. I need to ascertain via a Dr if my apneas can be classified as central before medical insurance would cover any procedures or devices.

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Southafrican +0 points · about 5 years ago Original Poster

I'm more than willing to try lifestyle changes to help myself. I am not overweight at all. Infact I weigh 57kg. I'm of a small frame. I eat as much natural foods. No fizzy drinks. Seldom has a takeout. Seldom eat read meat or sugar as I'm already diabetic. I dont exercise these days much as I'm too exhausted from such little sleep. I do hope to decrease my symptoms by any changes in lifestyle as any help is good for me. Above all else I am trying to stay optimistic.

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Jane91 +0 points · about 5 years ago

If your onsets are caused by Central Sleep Apnea, then your best bet is to see a sleep doctor who specializes in neurology. Also, I definitely feel for you. I'm happy to help research and find you a solution. I know you'll get relief from this in time. This can't last forever.

In the meanwhile, you might give L-Theanine a try. If anything, it is extremely relaxing. My first night on it, I fell asleep with little trouble.

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Southafrican +0 points · about 5 years ago Original Poster

Thanks Jane. Its nice to know someone out there cares. I'm trying to get to a Dr soon. I have got to find someone who has the ability to listen, question and probe. I will try the supplement you mentioned. Hopefully in South Africa we have it๐Ÿ˜…

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