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Airfit F30

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

So I'm really new to CPAP treatment. This weekend marked my first month. Typically I use the Airfit P10 nasal pillows and it works pretty well aside from the off and on problem of my mouth falling open in the night. Being the time of year it is and being in Wisconsin it seemed inevitable that I would catch something that will plug up my face pretty effectively so in preparation I ordered the Airfit F30 thinking it would be my best bet to achieve a good fit on the first try. Last night I tried it for the first time and it was actually very uncomfortable. It only comes in small and medium so naturally I went for medium but it squeezed my nose and overall felt like I had to keep it really tight to maintain an good seal. I'm just wondering if anyone else has used this mask and what your experience with it has been.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I have used the AirFit F20, but not the F30. The F30 does look like an improved design. With the F20 I had problems with leaks and with upper nose irritation. Looks like the F30 fits lower and may at least avoid the upper nose irritation problem.

My solution has been to stay with the AirFit P10 nasal pillow mask, after trying 5 different masks; two full face, and 3 nasal. I do use a chin strap and tape my mouth to avoid the mouth opening issue at night. I think there are some advantages to nasal breathing over mouth breathing. See this video for some more information. Mouth taping sounds horrible but I don't mind it at all.

How to Mouth Tape for Better Sleep

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

I don't actually have that much of a problem keeping my mouth closed. I'm just wondering what I will do if I'm sick and can't breathe through my nose.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

When you say "sick" do you mean like throw up or vomit? If so, my thoughts on that are that if one is wearing a full face mask that is going to be an even uglier and messier issue to deal with. I also think a nasal pillow mask is very easy to get off in a hurry. I also fold over the tape I use on my mouth to leave a tab at the end that does not stick to the skin so it is easy to remove if needed.

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

I mean sick like with nasal congestion and a cough.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

I'm about 6 months into this CPAP thing. I've probably had at least of couple of colds in that time, and I came through it with no issues while using the P10. In fact I think I have one right now. Have not had the flu or anything more serious. I do have an AirFit F20 mask stored away somewhere, and I guess I will drag that out and use it, if I get into trouble with a cold while using the P10. However, I really dread that, as I had a heck of time trying to get the F20 to work for me.

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

After a second night trying to use the F30 I managed to get it a bit more comfortable but it still feels like I have to wear it too tight to get any kind of proper seal. It feels like the head gear isn't holding it in the right place. Where the straps meet in the back tends to sit too low. Basically holding on to the back of my neck rather than my head.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

What pressure is your machine set at, and what is it running up to during the night? More pressure does make it harder to get a good fit. That said a lot of people use full face masks at higher pressures and there must be a way to make them work. I think it must be a matter of keep adjusting them until you get it right.

Are you using EPR or Flex? When I was trying a full face I found the cycling pressure of the EPR on my AirSense 10 seemed to make it harder to get a seal. The mask seemed to walk around on my face.

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

The pressure was only at 5. I haven't even gotten past ramp before it's too uncomfortable.

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

A pressure of 5 cm is low, almost too low to be comfortable. I would think with that pressure an AirFit P10 and mouth taping should work quite well.

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NHCPAP +0 points · almost 6 years ago

So I am new to this. I started with the airfit 20. Its OK but I have air leakage into my eyes. So I saw the airfit 30 and thought it looked great. Anyways, I used the airfit 30 for 3 nights and went back to the airfit 20. The airfit 30 feels "hard" against my face and it left marks and hurt the bottom of my nose where the airholes are. So I am back to the airfit 20. It really feels like a big pillow on my face. The only problem I have is the drymouth. I use xylimelts but they only work part of the night. Bottom line, I didn't find the airfit 30 as being an improvement over the airfit 20. Disappointed.

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DracoZaroff +0 points · almost 6 years ago Original Poster

Since you have both I was also wondering of the parts for the F20 and F30 are compatible. Like will the cushion for the F20 fit the base and head gear from the F30?

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Sierra +0 points · almost 6 years ago Sleep Patron

They don't look at all alike to me.

F20 Cushion

F30 Cushion

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NHCPAP +0 points · almost 6 years ago

I'm not sure. I'll look.

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bfmccarthy +0 points · almost 6 years ago

I have Airfit F30 and AirTouch F20 masks. No they are not interchangeable. And FYI the new F30 with my beard forces me to crank the straps so tight my nose hurts and my mustache hair follicles are being pushed back against normal growth direction forcing me to accept that with facial hair the AirTouch F 20 is still tops.

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bfmccarthy +0 points · almost 6 years ago

I have tried airfit F20 airtouch F20 airfit F30 and the P20. I have the best results with the memory foam airtouch F20. I have 2 cushions and switch each 7 days. I wash the cushion in soap and water with everything else every Saturday. Takes almost 3 days for the cushion to dry fully. Been using the same 2 cushions since July and they are still going strong.

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