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+0 points
12 months
Original Poster
Hello i have had my CPAP for about 9 months and I can say that I DO NOT use it every night because I cant. I have tried to find different masks and everything for it to work but i break out with every mask that I try and everytime i do use it my face breaks out bad and it hurts. I think i have an allergy to the silicone but I cant find any that are made without it.. has anyone else had this issue?
have you tried a nasal pillow mask? They are typically still silicone, but make much less contact with the skin than a full face mask
ResMed makes masks called AirFit that have silicone seals, but the same masks are also sold as AirTouch models which use memory foam instead of silicone.
A company sells mask liners called RemZzzs made of cotton that fit between the mask seal and the skin - https://www.remzzzs.com/hero
When I get a new mask I find it initially causes irritation where it contacts my face or nose. Until I get used to it I have had success with using a 1% hydrocortisone cream for a week or two. The product should not be used for more than about 2 weeks however.
+0 points
12 months
Original Poster
Yes i do have those and they cause blood filled pimple like things under my nose which are very painful and i cannot use it everyday i have to take a break. I would try putting a bandaid there but im also allergic to adhesive.
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