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doctor seemed to be not interested.

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yawningjoe58 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

well i waited for weeks to see my resporoligist excuse the spelling, my doctor referred me to this guy two years ago i was diagnosed by him with severe sleep apnea i stopped breathing fifty six times within an hour, so he put me on cpap at the start i had a whole load of shit going down leaks not sleeping dry nose and mouth, so i asked him two years ago what would happen if i did not go on cpap, his reply you will die scared me , went to see him last week gold star thats all he could say to me, i felt like a kid i was in his office less than five minutes omg what a state of affairs this country when nobody cares or nobody wants to know scared of going to sleep incase i dont wake up what do you guys think ,i now have a AHI between 1 to 4.

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SleepDent +0 points · about 6 years ago Sleep Commentator

Well, in spite of your obviously poor experience with your health care providers, there is good news here. If you have gone from a diagnosed severe sleep apnea with an AHI of 56 to a treatment AHI of 1 to 4, you would now be considered functionally normal as long as you stay on your treatment every day. That means you can rest easy during your sleep with no chance to have a stroke or heart attack according to our best current knowledge. So be happy, be relaxed. You did it. Now just keep up the good work. Arthur B. Luisi, Jr., D.M.D.

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yawningjoe58 +0 points · about 6 years ago Original Poster

thank you so much for your reply.

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