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I need help

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KindMaroonDeer0628 +0 points · almost 7 years ago Original Poster

Hello, I'm a 29 year old male with several mental issues I've had for years (depression and GAD-Generalized Anxiety Disorder). I was always skinny growing up and never been an overweight guy. Worked out etc. I was diagnosed with sleep apnea about 2 years ago after I requested a sleep study. I always had symptoms of extreme fatigue, low energy, moody as I'll get out etc especially in the mornings, which is why I requested. They billed me for a CPAP and full face mask. However, the clinic didn't let me choose. They basically did after a mask fitting. I wore it for weeks but either took it off in my sleep or never felt better. Well fast forward to now, my quality of life is completely suffering. I even have low testosterone. I switched to a actually hospital clinic with a certified NP. She noticed, which I've tried telling doctors, I have a jaw line that falls back towards my neck. Especially when I lay down. She's gonna change the titration setting and I'll wear the mask again for 6 weeks. If this doesn't help, I don't know what else to do besides surgeries. I've tried oral appliances, and mouth guards. Please help with anyone with related jaw alignment condition.

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wiredgeorge +0 points · almost 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

I would ask the NP why you were not referred to a specialist who deals with the jaw alignment issue. If this is the case, trying to fix sleep problems without taking care of this seems like it won't get far.

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sleeptech +0 points · almost 7 years ago Sleep Enthusiast

A properly conducted sleep study should reveal if you have OSA and if CPAP is of benefit. A good doctor should be able to clearly explain all of this. Beyond that, the exact choice of mask and a few other variable can have a big impact. What data is your NP basing your new pressure on? Is she just making it up? There's a good reason why this should be done by a trained technician while you are sleeping at a lab - so you can be sure it works.

Be cautious about surgeries. There are surgeries to realign the jaw used in treating OSA but they are pretty hideous and generally don't work.

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GregariousMagentaRoseCaterpillar4081 +0 points · almost 7 years ago

When I had my titration study, the lab provided the masks. However, after I got my prescription, I went to a supply place not the clinic for my machine and mask. The first mask I got did not work for me. I tried for 3 weeks and couldn't do it. I switched masks to one that just sits under my nose (DreamWear) and I am doing much better now. The mask is very important and you should be offered different choices. Good luck.

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