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RESMED N20 extremely loud air expelation.

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Kountinsheep +0 points · about 4 years ago Original Poster

Juat changed the mask to one that seems to fit with minimum AHI but the other half does not appreciate it as during the night, air gets blown direct in her face... and is extremely noisy.. has anyone got some tips to help her and me get a good nights sleep?


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Dude +0 points · about 4 years ago

sleep in separate rooms

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Sierra +0 points · about 4 years ago Sleep Patron

Some of the ResMed masks have a pattern or fairly large holes where the air vents out. They have made no attempt to diffuse the air from it. I had a Swift FX mask that was very good, except for the high velocity air vent problem. I tried various things to try and diffuse the air without success. ResMed have come out with a QuietAir version of their F20 mask with a better diffuser, but I don't think it has been moved to the N20 mask.

The best mask I have found for being quiet and controlling air velocity is the ResMed P10 mask. It has a mesh of quite fine holes that seem to diffuse the air and keep the noise down to a real minimum. The other mask to consider is the F&P Brevida. It has a small clip on diffuser that helps control the air velocity. Not sure it is quite as quiet though. My wife uses it. The Brevida has better headgear than the P10.

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Sleepea +0 points · about 4 years ago

I use Fisher & Paykel masks, they come with a cloth or cotton defuser. I disliked the Resmed masks because of the open vents,

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Sierra +0 points · about 4 years ago Sleep Patron

The P10 is very different from the N20 and FX Pillow mask. It has a fine plastic mesh screen on the front. There is one on each side of the mask and because of the fine mesh and the large overall size of the exhaust area it is very quiet and very hard to even detect the air flow from it. See this photo of what it looks like. If you enlarge it and look carefully you can see the mesh pattern.

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Dude +0 points · about 4 years ago

Great choice F&P...

My wife sleeps in the other room, she's ok with it. She works over night so I got the queen all to myself. It's only for the week end.

Nasal pillows are alot more quiet, more so than full face. However, then you have to deal with chin straps.

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