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Routine mask replacement

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PennStan +0 points · about 5 years ago Original Poster

I’ve been using CPAP for about six weeks now. Use a Resmed Airsense 10 machine with Dreamwear nasal pillow. The paperwork the sleep tech gave me says to replace the pillow every two weeks. I did use a new one after about three weeks because it seemed like part of the mask was “flapping in the wind” for lack of a better description. Replacement is now at about three weeks with no issues. Replacement at two weeks seems unnecessary. Is there a reason for this replacement frequency? Do the masks wear out? Thanks.

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Sierra +0 points · about 5 years ago Sleep Patron

I have the AirSense 10 and the AirFit P10 mask. Have had it for nearly 2 years now. I replaced the headgear with that from a Swift FX mask, because the P10 headgear is too flimsy. And a few weeks ago I replaced the nasal pillow insert for the first time. The new one seems little different from the old one. The need to replace more frequently than once a year, unless it gets damaged, is just a scam.

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Sleepea +0 points · about 5 years ago

I replace the cushions/pillow when they start to fail, as you said "the flapping in the wind" or when I don't get a good nights rest for two days in a row. The sleep center/insurance recommends replacing the cushions every two weeks, I can usually go three weeks.
I switch between a nasal pillow and a nostril mask, the cushions tend to last about three weeks for me for both types of masks.

I think the daily cleaning routine stretches the cushion more than wearing it each night.

The mask itself would probably last longer, the head gear tends to stretch and get very loose by three months so I do replace the mask every three months just for the headgear.

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Tassie +0 points · about 5 years ago

Likewise I have the AirSense 10 and the AirFit P10 mask, I also trialed the Swift FX mask which I gave up after a month of hell.

Since 2015 I've only had 5 sets of pillows, these are washed out every morning when I rinse and refill the reservoir, the straps are washed with the hose every Sunday morning using Surcare dish washing fluid. To tighten loose straps I pinch the straps at the back and wrap an elastic band round the pinch. (I believe the new straps come supplied with 2 plastic "shorteners").

In the past few months due to an increase in leaks, yesterday I phoned ResMed in the UK for advice, only to be told to do what I already did. She advised me to change the pillows annually, (what I do), and to stop using Surcare, and change to Fairy Liquid, apparently this cleans the pillows more efficiently? She also stated that there was a new superior type of pillows being introduced to their range next month which will have a better strap system.

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Sierra +0 points · about 5 years ago Sleep Patron

If you still have the Swift FX mask you may be interested in the Hybrid mask I made out of the P10 and FX. It is not too difficult and has been much superior in staying on my head and in reducing the frequency of leaks. ResMed could have easily used the FX headgear on the P10 mask. Sometimes you have to wonder what they are thinking. Another alternative with better headgear than the P10 is the F&P Brevida. My wife uses that one, but it irritated my nose more than the P10. Replacement parts for the Brevida are a little more costly too. In any case see this thread for some more detail on my hybrid mask.

P10-Swift FX Hybrid solution

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Skyemac11 +0 points · almost 5 years ago
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mlsills +0 points · almost 5 years ago

I have the ResMed Airsense and use the Respironics Dreamwear. Have used the Dreamwear mask for years. I replace the "nose piece" when it starts to leak, which coincidentally seems to be also about the time it begins to "yellow." The headgear proper gets replaced when the elastic is no longer useful. I have not tried the AirFit, but will be doing so as the VA is "ResMed Only."

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