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over 4 years
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For some reason I'm not falling asleep with my mask on and I don't know why and I don't know what to do can someone please help me to understand why I'm not falling asleep with my mask on thank you I need advice please thank you very much
Hi Steph, having difficulty falling asleep could originate from many different things. Is this something new you have been experiencing? How long have you been using this mask? Please try to explain your situation in more detail, as I'de very much like to provide with with what help I can, though it's a bit difficult without some more answers.
try watching a tv while you are wearing a mask and your machine is turned on, this helps me a lot
this way your brain is concentrating on what ever you are watching on tv and you are not thinking about cpap therapy, good luck
If you are new to CPAP it takes some time before comfort will arise . Their is something of a foreign object on your face and until you subconsciously get used to it - there will be resistance to this object . That was my experience and it lasted for 3 or 4 months -getting better each week . Stick with it . If the mask seal and all other factors are working well - then its just a matter of time and patience going along . I do take a mild sleeping pill from time to time - Zopiclone - ( precription needed ) or 1/2 of 5 mg . and that can help . Or some other sleep aid. As 4 variety notes above you do nt provide sufficient information to asses if its just the novelty of the mask or some other factor .
Don't give up even if you lose some nights of general sleep .
i use dream station machine,was set at min 6 max 20 pressure,20 was too high.now i have set at 8 min 11 high.sleep all night ahi at <3.the initial sleep study was 120 75 and 78.no face mask leaks. i tried settings of min 6 max 9 but ahi spiked to 5.now happy,wear it every night.
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