I know It is a long process, Please stick with it. Was it a Pulmonologist or a Respiratory Therapy Practitioner that you saw? You will have to get use to the fact of filling out 50 page questionnaire, then doing it all over with the practitioner, You gotta love it! Hang in there I will remember you in my prayers.
Hello fellow PAPers I was diagnosed with OSA in the late fall of 09, when my thyroid shut down. Then complex mix sleep apnia in 2013. The elevation in Keystone Co. made me feel quite ill on a trip there. Live and learn! Anyone need encouragement I would be happy to chat. persevere.
Yes I have had good response ( not terrific )with Dr. Robert Thomas at BIDMC, although it took at least two lab studies 12 yrs after my initial diagnosis. (see Dr R. Thomas paper.) (EERS) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3014237/ with nonvented mask.