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Have been on CPAP for over six years now and results were very good. During the first Lab tests, I was diagnosed as 65 AHI and CPAP was set to 9. .... About 2 years ago, I started having shortness of breath issues just sitting in the recliner or at the dining room table. Most of the time my AHI is below 5 but now its fluctuating and last night it was 29.5 AHI. Leaks were good and I slept for 9.25 hours. Earlier in the week I had a cardiac Catheter and apart from AFIB, there were no blockages or other issues with the heart. Issues have even escalated and I've returned to stopping breathing if I doze in the chair and wake up just gasping for air. This is getting painful even. Has anyone else experienced issues after being on CPAP for several years?