Hello Dr Tony, First off thank you so much for your response to @UnassumingOrange. That explanation was very informative and comprehensive and makes so much sense! The info on the cortisol especially.
I have been referred to a sleep apne dentist with an appt in a couple weeks. I have been using my Phillips dreamstation for about 3-4 months now. The first few weeks I did well but after that I started swallowing air and cpap therapy has been hell ever since. I have both obstructive and central apnea. I take diamox and my dr has put me down to 5CM, I believe we started at 8, maybe a litter higher. I'm stable with the machine on and it's hard to say if it's the machine or diamox that is helping. I am still exhausted and can sleep for over 12 hours. I force myself awake and have recently started stimulants which honestly don't do much of anything. I feel immune to them if there is such a thing. I also have a circadian rhythm disorder with 2 failed attempts at sleep retraining. I'm suppose to take another melatonin profile this week but previously my melatonin release was 5-6am with a 5pm wake up time-not fun. I am also waking up and taking the mask off and not knowing it during the night. My doc explained the response of some type of uncomfortability during sleep. I also have a tendency to wake up about one hour after I go to sleep. Do you know why this would be?
My doc said that the oral appliance would stop the air from going to my stomach is this true? I didn't gather that from your explanation. I also have had adult orthodontics and wear Invisaligners 4 nights a week. The receptionist stated that normally those who've had adult orthodontics aren't candidates for a OA. Also as a child and young adult (I'm 31 now) I grinded my teeth severely when I slept. My jaw also had a tendency to come out of alignment and pop- for lack of a better word- out. I noticed this when I opened my mouth wide. I still feel my jaw isn't quite right and a dentist had mentioned at one time an issue with it that wasn't diagnosed or prevented as a child.
But my real question is what your thoughts on an oral appliance are for me? Thanks so much!!