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I've just received my APAP, the AirSense 10 AutoSet and the first two or so weeks I was okay. But lately I've been feeling almost claustrophobic in the middle of the night and I think that has a lot to do with the amount of air that my machine is pushing. I have a full mask - I sleep with a slightly open mouth - and when I do wake up in the might it feels like I have a fan blowing straight into my face and mouth and I will have a completely dry mouth.
I have the humidity set to 7 - when I set it to 8 it was blowing water, but the reservoir may have been overfull. I've adjusted the auto ramp to 45 minutes and I can definitely get to sleep, but once the unit ramps up I seem to wake up within a few minutes.
The few times I was able to get 7+ hours of sleep with the APAP, I did find the next day that I felt better and was far less tired than I had been previously.
The only other items of note are that I used to be a stomach sleeper - I have not attempted this with the full mask, although I've slept on my side a few times - but the mask has a tendency to leak and whistle which definitely wakes me.
Any thoughts, suggestions or advice?