Welcome Tony,
I have central as well (5 yrs.) and I have a little problem with it as well - same old machine. Glad to hear you have improved with a new updated machine. Maybe my luck will change in September - I will be having another sleep test an was told I will be getting a new machine. I'm on Medicare and they won't pay for a new one until after 5 years. Thanks for your story - it's encouraging.
Is there anyone out there who wears the total full mask - over your entire face? I have tried so many masks and they all bothered my nose and eyes. The total full face keeps the nose and eye problem away. What success stories do you have that might improve comfort?
I too wear my mask every night for 5yrs now and can see no change in my daily activities. My sleep test however did show I stopped breathing 88 times per hour. I complain to my wife every night but hook up and go to bed. I will wear it because I am afraid I might not wake up. I know of someone that happened to. Just except it and be thankful it was discovered. Hang in there you are not alone.
I have been on cpap for 5 years and still do not feel any better than I did before I started. In fact I really didn't feel bad when I started, but I feel bad now. I too can nap everyday after a "wonderful night's rest". My doctor tells me the same you are being told - "Don't know why you still feel bad, there are some like this". I go for my 4th sleep test in September and should be getting a New machine. Maybe that will help. All I can say is "Wear the mask and live"
Amy, as Emma says hang in there. I too have been on cpap going on 5 years come September. I still struggle with "all this change" in my life. I have settled - for now the TOTAL Full Face Mask (think Darth Vader) and wish there were more...until there is "Live With It And Wear The Mask". We never give up.
I was glad to see the study results above, especially (b). It now makes more sence. I have AFIB (now under control after surgery) and can see the connection. After I started apnea therapy I was latter taken off meds except for one small baby aspirin. As I stated in another post - "Wear The Mask" and live.
Intro time - My name is Ken and I'll be 71 in Sept. I have been on BiPAP autoS machine for 5 years come this Sept. Heart Ablation surgery "might" have triggered mixed sleep apnea (stopped breathing 88 times per hour), or sleep apnea caused Ablation - who knows? I was never tried or fell asleep during the day and only weigh 143 pounds. I wear a TOTAL full face mask (tried them all - and my wife calls me Darth Vader) and feel bad every time I wak up. I have had three sleep tests and have one coming up this Sept. (September's have been a busy month for me). I don't like this situation but I will ware the device - a friend of a friend didn't like wearing his mask and DIED. My advice - Wear The Mask.