Improve your CPAP usage even before entering the bedroom.
Know why you are moving forward with CPAP. I moved forward for my fiancé (now wife) , so I can continue to work on complicated projects and for my health. You will have to remind your-self periodically.
Make success a process.
Commit to putting your CPAP on every night. Tolerating and maybe even enjoying the process will come later. Increase the minimum time you will wear the mask every night. There were weeks of checking the clock for me. Getting to 4 hours was the magic number for me.
Why is my nose filling up with water?
I was not prepared for condensation building up on my first nasal mask. We’ll describe the experience as uncomfortable. Towel by the bed to clear condensation may come in handy
I am being strangled by my CPAP.
I eventually developed a sleep position plan and practiced transitions. Newer masks with swivels really help if you are getting tangled.
I was doing so well. What happened?
Allergy season tends to catch me off guard. I found taking my allergy medicine just prior to symptoms was very helpful. See, why is my nose filling up :). Know your sleep process and stick to it. I do best when I read before going to bed (well before kids anyway).
1) How much help have you gotten from your healthcare providers...regular doctor, sleep doctor & staff, CPAP provider staff?
All of my health care providers were supportive. I found the fitting process less helpful. A friend eventually helped me identify masks that I was comfortable.
2) What were the most meaningful & helpful interactions and advice you received?
I believe we should tell new users that CPAP is like a tough class at school. You need to work at it and maybe get a tutor. After a while, it doesn't seem that difficult.
3) Where have you gotten the most support?
My wife is the most supportive. I wore my CPAP on my honeymoon, which was shortly after being diagnosed. She referred to the MASK as Qbert.
Dear Ana,
It does get easier!
I now wear my mask every night through out the night. Getting to this point has definitely been a process. Starting out and my transition to nasal pillows were particularly difficult.
I agree with Ruby about setting specific time goals. I use to review the hours of use on my CPAP daily. I found reviewing the numbers helpful. I have also found everyone is different. It may be that you want to have a buddy to discuss daily. I am also a firm believer in setting up rewards. Sometimes in the morning, I live on the wild side and take my CPAP off for 30 minutes or so before I get out bed.
Echoing Ruby's comment: Just don't give up!!!