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Wiredgeorge: What should I be tracking? I have an Airsense 10. It tells the docs that there are very few instances of apnea and the docs say its working great. What should I be looking for? As for things not lining up, that's what I told the PA last week and his response was give it 2 more months. Thanks.
So I was snoring for some years, but just 6 months or so ago I started waking up tired. After a couple months of this I went to the doc and ultimately to the sleep doc. Did the testing - severe apnea, 77 times per hour, etc. Started CPAP and feel just as bad if not worse then before.
I've been on CPAP for 2 months now and I sleep with it for 7 hours each night. The docs say it is working great - almost completely eliminated apnea. I have no issues tolerating the machine and I have no problems falling asleep. But I still feel terrible. I wake up a number of times at night, some long, some short. 5 minute after wakening I'm completely congested and stay that way til noon. I fall asleep in front of the TV, etc. in the evening. It is effecting my work because I am tired all the time. And irritable and have trouble focusing at times. I have no other health problems (had 2 hip replacements a year ago) and I take no medications.
Anyone have any ideas? The doc says I'm doing great but I'm not. All they say is give it time.
Any ideas?