Hi Sierra,
It has been more than a month and I finally loaded OSCAR today. I loaded it directly from the card. OSCAR recommended locking the card and I did.
I have a years data. AHI for the year is 6.77. The last month it was 9.41.
The original question involved Stage 3 and REM sleep levels. Maybe the color codes on the graphs will tell the story but in the short time I have looked at it if doesn't jump out.
The doctor signed me up for a titration in May so I have some time to work on things.
A couple of years ago I had trouble with leakage and switched to a foam cushion full face mask that covered mouth and nose, and rested on the bridge of the nose. It worked OK for a couple of years. Then the pressure went up and to keep the leak under 20% I tightened the straps and ruined the flesh at the bridge of my nose.
Over the life of masks, 13 years, they have always been medium.
I am now using a Resmed F30i which is considered a full face mask. It covers my mouth and nose.
An online offering, MaskFit, cost $10 and recommended three masks. They asked demographic questions and took a scan of my face and my nasal openings. Their three mask recommendation were all large. And they are all nasal only masks.
#1. Fisher & Paykel Eson 2 #2 Phillips Respironics Pico #3 Resmed AirFit N20.
I have had trouble for years on the leak rate. I have been on the F30i for most of the year. My yearly leak rate is 22 and I though it was worse because almost everyday on the screen of the Airsense 10 it comes up red (failure to keep below 20%)
I have taped my mouth for over a year. Leave space to breathe.
Take a nap a couple times per week.
I would appreciate your thoughts.
Don Utter