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Joined Sep 2016
Joined Sep 2016

PlacidSpringGreenTurtle3564 , I hear you on the seasonal allergies and chronic sinusitis. I have the same problem right now. I live and practice in south Louisiana. For us pollen season is horrible. I would strongly suggest you see an ENT. Ask him if a turbinate reduction might be just the thing for you. It will allow your sinuses to drain better and help you get "better air" because you will breath through your nose instead of your mouth. The job of the nose is to filter, warm, and humidify the air going into your lungs. The clean, warm and moist air travels into your blood easier than dry dirty air. I had a turbinate reduction done in Jan 2016. No pain or swelling. Took 10 minutes. Went right back to work. I have all my patients who are willing have an ENT consult at the same time I start treating them with an appliance. Greatly increases the patient's success rate.

The ringing in your ears could be congestion and wax build up or an infection of your ears. Or it could be your jaw joint is swollen and compressing your ear canal. I would have an ENT take a look at your ears at the same time he looks at your nose. Higher chance its the jaw joint. But let him look anyway. When we have sleep apnea we most often breath with our chest and not our diaphragm. When you breath with your chest you must lift your shoulders. This in turn tightens your neck muscles and stiffens the TMJ or jaw joint. This is common. If the muscles of your head, neck, and even upper back are tight your jaw cannot come comfortably forward. So you have a couple of option. Easiest is to back up the appliance and bring the jaw forward slowly over weeks to months. This will give the muscles a chance to relax and heal as the apnea is controlled. But this will delay getting your jaw to a point where your tongue is out of your throat and your sleeping like a baby. And often the knots and trigger points in your muscles wont go away just by treating the apnea. This is why I have an in house massage therapist that works on all my patients before we set the bite for the appliance. Really helps our patients get better faster. You should consider seeing a massage therapist that works on muscles inside the mouth to treat ringing ear or a physical therapist, chiropractor, acupuncturist, etc. If you had surgery on your knee you would expect to need physical therapy to get the knee joint strong, loose, and healthy again. When treating sleep apnea you have to look at the muscles and health of the joint the same way. Ask your dentist who he works with to treat the muscles of his sleep apnea patient. He should have someone to recommend or if he sees a lot of TMJ and sleep apnea patients he may have someone full time or that comes to his office.

Let me know how this goes for you.

Dr Tony