I am a patient with sever OSA, When I was first diagnosed I had over 50 AHI and my SpO2 that went well below 88% I also had high blood pressure that was barely controlled with a complex cocktail of medications. During the fit test segment of the study I was unable to tolerate CPAP/BiPAB and accompanying masks. My Doctor I was tested with nocturnal O2 with the results that the SpO2 remained above 88%. After being on the O2 therapy for a year or so I was able to reduce the number of daily medications and the BP is well with in the normal range. I am now using APAP/O2 therapy with the DreamWear mask with no issues. I will be seeing both my PCP and Pulmonologist this month. I will update this then.
HI Dream doc, I am new to the CPAP world but did some research before getting the DreamWear mask. I had tried a full face and nasal mask both of which caused great anxiety and discomfort. I have been using the DreamWear mask for 30+ days, I found out by trial and error the following
I use a PR DreamWear mask. It is quite small and I use my glasses with no problem.
I just started my APAP treatment (4 Feb 2016) I am using a DreamStation with the Dreamwear mask. I was interested in getting more information that was provided by the DreamMapper app. I like the information provided by SleeplyHead but am having a few problems with it. 1. There is no close X provided so I have to use the C+A+D to get task manager which then allows closing the program. 2. some times the program does not load completly and does not show some of the wave forms. Closing and reopening allows for full functioning. 3. The DreamMapper and SleeplyHead agree on all but one area. SleeplyHead tells me that there is to much leakage and DreamMapper gives me a 100% mask fit. By the numbers APAP 14-20; AHI < 2 average 0.75. I do wake with a moderately dry mouth and have been upping the humidifer settings up.