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I have been on the RedMed for 1.5 yrs now. It's not the miracle cure I had hoped but took my AHI from 75 to an average of about 1.2. It didn't really turn out to be what I wished it would be but I have to breathe when I sleep so not much choice. Leaks are what bother me most, I sleep with my mouth open so my chin sinks lower and creates a leak unless I have the mask pretty tight. Some nights I feel like I am a fighter pilot going into battle (full face mask). I can say that it does get better. Cherish you lower pressures!
Got this new vent with my latest order and must confess I don't like it. I am concerned that it doesn't vent enough Co2 from the exhale, and I like the feeling of the old vent that creates some moving air in my mask as I inhale (I have a RedMed AirCurveā¢ 10 VAuto BiLevel running at 17/22). Anyone else in the same boat at me?
The other situation I am wondering is if this new vent was actually a fix in disguise. I just had the motor start making progressively loud noises when trying to reach high pressures like 22. With the new vent, the motor is much quieter (which makes sense since not a much air is intentionally leaking from the system which reduces the strain on the motor when trying to raise pressure). I have a number of these used vents that still work so should be good for the life of the machine but just curious if anyone else has noticed this.
Well, now you can think of 6, because it has been of great benefit to me. ;-) Made the treatment much more tolerable as I could not tolerate the constant pressure of 17 and would have probably quit (or just been miserable). Are the Central Apneas as detected by the ResMed not accurate? I rarely get one. I had one during my sleep study. My AHI is always 2 or lower.
So I have been steady state at 15 cm water (EPR = 3) for about 2 months. The sleep study I had said I achieved better REM at 17 vs 15 but I found the pressure at 17 just too uncomfortable initially. I keep trying to go back up to 17 but failing. I am currently trying to go from 15 to 16 (AutoPAP) and it is raising it to 16 each night. I am sleeping better, feel better, but my back is very sore in the morning. Has anyone else had pain associated with such a seemly small increase in pressure? Note that I don't noticed the pressure at all until I turn the machine off and don't have any pain while sleeping. It's when I get up and start moving around and it seems to wear off as the day goes on.