I was not having a problem with sleepiness but stopping breathing while sleeping and the result was extremely low O2 levels. I have been doing the CPAP for more than 5 months with two different masks (and tried several other during initial fitting and followup) and find that the quality of my sleep is worse now than it was before. I frequently take afternoon naps because I am sleep, this is something I never did before I started doing a CPAP. I won't say I feel worse, but I certainly do not feel any better. Yes I am fed up and dislike doing the CPAP and hope to find some other means to fix my problem with the low O2.
I hope something like this really works. I started with my CPAP about 5 months ago mainly due to my stopping breathing while I slept and my O2 level getting very low. I tried three masks originally and picked the one that was the best but found that it almost rubs my nose raw. During a followup with mum sleep doctor, I tried a couple more in the doctors office and picked another style and find its not really comfortable long term and tends to leak with the air blowing up in my eyes. I find that the quality of my sleep for the last 6 months is probably worse than it was before I started the CPAP. I may be keeping my O2 levels up, but I am generally more sleepy now than before. I have been not wearing my mask at least one night a week just to ensure I get one good nights sleep.
I don't really trust the information on the MyAir web site at all. It almost always says there were no leaks (or very few) when the leaks were bad enough to wake my husband. It rarely says I took the mask off, even when I took it off to use the bathroom, the "events per hour" seems to have no correlation with the quality of my sleep. I use the Sleepyhead software to get more information, but it still doesn't seem accurate compared to what I know happened.