I hope not, it was ordered for me as they did not have one in the store, and I saw her take it out of the box. But I don't know how I would ask that question or be able to tell. I don't think there is some way to look up its history by serial number as you would a car! (although that would be great!) Maybe if I call ResMed and provide them the serial number they could tell me if it is a factory refit/refurbish?
And yes, as soon as I roll on my side, the mask can slip, but not always? I hate to tighten the mask any further because it does rub a bit under my nose...
How are things going with you, snuffie!?
The smell is going away. I am pretty sure it is simply "new device" smell. I am going to call my DME today, though.
I have signed up for myAir already, and I also have downloaded SleepyHead software and look at the data. I purchased an SD card because my device did not come with one, although I was under the impression that it should have been shipped with one. Makes me wonder about my DME.
Anyway, 5 nights so far! A few issues with the mask slipping at night, but I have very long hair and just have to work that out.
Hello OUTTABREATH! I'm a newbie, too, so I can't really answer your question about what sort of Apnea you have, or don't. My understanding is that AHI Numbers over 5 indicate at least mild Apnea. I know that you can't affort another test, but is there one sleep doctor you trust more than another? If so, can you make an office appointment and review all of the results with the doctor. Express your concerns and try to talk it out with him or her?
Really, only a doctor will be able to review, understand, and explain your entire history including the meds you take and anything else that may be related. I know one thing, Apnea can cause mood and concentration problems. Perhaps treating the apnea will improve other areas of your health, but that is definitely something you need to discuss with your doctor.
I wish you the best of luck! Let us know how it goes :)
Thanks, snuffie! Well, I did read for a bit...but I picked the user's manuals because I thought it would make me sleepy :) It was a rough night! I swallowed a lot of air and am still burping a bit even though I've been up for about 3 hours now. And the new setup gives off this horrible burning electrical wire smell. I don't smell it through the mask, but I do in the bedroom near the machine after taking the mask off. I suspect it is the heated hose, so I am going to buy one that is not heated.
Well, tonight is another night! I'm getting an SD card so that I can record the data, too :)
Last night was my first night...and I'm still burping even though I have been up for 3 hours now. I have done a lot of reading, and it apparently does go away after a while. I do wish there were some way to simply stop it from happening!
I finally received my AirSense 10 Autoset for Her. I start tonight! I am hopeful to feel better in the morning although I realize it may not be brilliant the first few nights. Lots of instruction manual reading will probably make me very sleepy tonight, lol!
A well-moderated on-line forum is much more pleasant, I have to admit.
I just received my new AirSense 10 Autoset for Her today. I am going to try it for the first time tonight. I feel pretty confident it will go OK because I am looking forward to feeling better! Time will tell!!
I am a Type I diabetic, hypothyroid, low vitamin D, iron-defficient anemic...so yeah, there are several things conspiring to make me very tired. :) I am hoping my new AutoPap will help!
Hi snuffie, I guess I'm a newbie, too. I don't even have a machine yet, but I'm told it's on its way. I think what sleeptech is describing is what I will be doing at first, just sitting in a chair in my room reading or watching tv with the device on and running just to get accustomed to the sound/feel of it before actually wearing it in the bed.
My concern at the moment is that apparently a device has been ordered for me without consulting me about what I feel would be best for me (heated humidity and a top-hose nose mask). I am a stomach sleeper, so we will see how it goes.
I hope that you will soon get some answers and become adjusted to the device!