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I forgot to add that I put on a chin strap, but it doesn't change anything.
Hi, this is my first post and I have a huge problem with Resmed 10. I've only been using a CPAP machine since Feb 2018 and have had nothing but problems. My scores will show 100% (on meAir web scale) and drop 20 or more points the next night. It seems only when I am using a new nasal pillow do I get a score between 100 - 90. Nothing changes about my sleep patterns. I still toss and turn as usual and the air leaks and mask on-off scores show that I've got lots of leaks and, though I'm don't recall it, that I'm removing my mask at least once every night. I have used every kind of mask from full face, amara view, nasal, and now nasal pillows. I will not buy a new machine. I doubt I could have lived 70 with sleep apnea only to now need to spend tons of money on masks, cleaners, bed gear, expensive pillows, etc. The biggest and most interesting thing is that the constant air escaping into my eyes is causing soreness and I'm not getting any help from my cpap provider or doctor's office.