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YouTube "Sleep Should Be Silent" will explain it for you.
What does your hypothyroid have to do with your sleep apnea? I know its relation to weight gain.
Absolutely they can work wonders. It can take a day or so to get used to it. Do not buy the ones for sale where you make your own bite impression. Have a dentist that's trained like sleepdent make a custom fit from your bite mold and you won't spit it out while asleep.
The blood test was in response to sleeptech above. The video was just an example of how we can take a pre-emptive and preventive approach to treat these new epidemics. You'll never hear what you learned from that video from a cardiologist. When arteries are blocked it's time for stints, OSA is more prevalent in middle age overweight males. Losing weight and nutrition is a small piece of the bigger puzzle that we are trying to work out. There is no argument that sleep apnea needs to be treated asap and CPAP is still the gold standard for treatment.
didn't bash CPAP. Made clear that it was possible to wean yourself off it and OAS in some cases accept high end moderate to severe OSA like I did. Where did I say I didn't have bloodwork done? Never suggested anyone abandon CPAP treatment, much less without doctors supervision. It's a bit more complicated than what could be explained in the space here. It's a lifestyle change. You have to learn how to let gravity and REM atonia work together to do the same thing the OAS does. And you will never accomplish it sleeping on your back. And it has a lot to do with nutrition. Too many people choosing fast food and sleep deprivation as a time management option. It's kinda like man trying to learn to fly for thousands of years and when he finally figured out the basics, he took off. Certainly there will be exceptions. There always are. My dentist who fitted me for my OAS told me the basics about this alternative, I just refined it. As far as a study to prove it, feel free. You'll have to try and see if it works for you. I promise your trusted medical professional cannot give you any reason not to. Western medicine is focused on treating the symptoms and not finding a cure. I'll give you an example but it's going to cost you 17 minutes of your time. Keep in mind a healthy circulatory system is essential to getting oxygen flow to the brain. The brain consumes as much energy, as measured by glucose and oxygen metabolism, during REM sleep as it does when awake and working out a complicated math problem.
The problem caused by apnea is not the lack of air? Huh? That's the whole point of CPAP. As for the brains' not knowing when it will breath again, yeah, partially. The brain senses a low enough blood oxygen level that it wakes you from REM sleep and sleep paralysis to clear the obstruction. It's the last resort when it senses it is in danger of dying from asphyxiation.
Apnea is the cessation of breathing. Choking is NOT apnea, it is the brains reaction to the OSA. Otherwise central sleep apnea would be characterized by choking. A better understanding of the dynamics of sleep would benefit everyone involved here.
There are a some interesting books available in Amazon Kindle Books on the subjects of sleep, CPAP, and sleep apnea. The one that helped me the most was one that explained how sleep, cardiovascular health, and nutrition were interrelated and could be "tweaked" for optimal performance during the sleep cycle. Good to know even if you don't have sleep apnea.
"How to SLEEP IT OFF and KEEP IT OFF" by William H. Lyon
agreed. Sleep Disordered Breathing is reaching epidemic proportions in this country. If 9 out of ten people with OSA don't even know they have it but may be looking for answers to their complaints on this forum, they may be reluctant to seek treatment after reading about all the problems. PAP therapy is not affordable to many folks. Judging from the amount of people here that are taking PAP therapy and still getting subpar results it appears there may be an interest in alternatives. There is no better motivation than waking up with that feeling of getting a good nights sleep. If I cure ALL my symptoms, why would I go pay the doctor to tell me I'm well?
In full agreement. But, OSA by it's shear nature, could return at any time you discontinue the disciplines. Just as people quit diets and gain back all the weight they lost. If ALL my symptoms go away. No snoring, plenty of energy and feel well rested upon awakening. Multiple uninterrupted dreams at night. Blood oxygen levels and blood pressure normal, Then why would I go pay a doctor to tell me I'm well again? If nine out of ten people that have OSA don't even know they have it but are complaining of the symptoms a lot of them after seeing all the problems and expense people have with PAP therapy are going to be reluctant to go there. What's wrong with trying a proven alternative first. There is no better motivation than waking up after a good night's sleep. Of course I can't guarantee anything. Not everyone has the willpower to do what it takes to be healthy, just look around. 2 out of three Americans are overweight or obese. Research has shown that over 75% of people with OSA are overweight or obese. Sleep disordered breathing is reaching epidemic proportions in this country and research is showing there is a direct relationship to OSA and weight gain.