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You may be able to answer the question I have about the TapPap device. I read that people with bridges shouldn't use it. I assume it's because the device could loosen the bridges. What's you thinking on this?
I read somewhere online that people with bridges shouldn't use the TapPap. I guess there's the chance of loosening them. Have you heard this? I'd love to be able to use the TapPap but I do have a mouth full of bridges. Any thoughts?
Has anyone tried these strips? They let in a little air through a small middle hole. I've tried SomniFix and Micropore but neither worked, and I especially disliked Micropore because of the abrasive factor when removing it. I'd like to find a patch or strip with tiny holes to give me a sense that my mouth isn't entirely locked shut, but I haven't yet found anything like it that is also firm enough to keep my mouth closed.
I'm using ResMed feedback because I can't download OSCAR or SleepyHead on my digital devices. ResMed makes no distinction between the type of leaks.
Thanks! I just got the DreamWear full face mask and did ok with it last night. I still much prefer just the nasal pillows but no tape I've tried has stopped my mouth from opening. I've read really good reviews about the F30i and plan to check it out.
When I look at my sleep data, I'm confused as to whether my leak score is a result of air whooshing through my mouth or whether it's the actual nasal pillows that are leaking. Any feedback would be helpful. Thanks!
Has anyone tried this mask? I've read very positive reviews on it. I'm having trouble with the nasal pillows because the chin strap and strips I've used to keep my mouth shut don't work. I've tried both 3M Micropore and SomniFix to no avail. I've also read that taping the mouth can be dangerous, but for me it's just annoying.
Any recommendations?
Thanks again!
Do you know if I can download SleepyHead onto my android phone? Also, if using it, would it override the data I get from MyAir?
Thanks for all your good information!
I've been taping my mouth while using the nasal pillow mask, but I'd prefer not to. Is there any research showing that taping for a few months actually trains your mouth to stay shut, thus allowing you to stop using tape?