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Thank you!
Hello! I just picked up my RESMED today, spent close to two hours going over every detail with a wonderfully helpful RT. She helped fit the nasal mask, do air leak tests, etc. I told her it seemed more difficult to exhale than it did to inhale, so she switched my setting to “3” — I’m hoping you know what that means. She said it’s the least resistant setting available on my machine.
Last night was awful. I woke several times, feeling like I was suffocating, so I was very excited to nap this afternoon and try my new machine. Sadly, within about 20 minutes, my nasal passages felt stuffy, and that sensation combined with feeling like I was working harder to exhale, led to my removing the mask & turning the machine off. I tried again about 20 minutes later, because the feeling of stuffiness had subsided, but again felt like I couldn’t breathe well, really swollen nasal passages and “work” to exhale.
I’m so discouraged already. Dreading bedtime tonight. I KNOW I need this, I want to be compliant. I’m just so discouraged. Any suggestions?