We were the first dental practice in the U.S. to be trained in the Nightlase procedure . Dr.Harvey Shiffman is now the Key Opinion Leader on Nightlase in the U.S. and has trained hundreds of Dentists from around the world. Since 2012 we have been providing the Nightlase therapy to our patients and have seen significant improvements in their sleep quality, quantity and sleep statistics . Nightlase patients have 24 hour a day benefits because Nightlase helps with nasal breathing and there are no appliances or machines to deal with . Compliance is 100% versus Dental Appliances and CPAP and the improvements in sleep disordered breathing is on par medically.
Hi ,My name is Harvey Shiffman DDS and i have been providing the Nightlase snoring and sleep apnea therapy to our patients since 2012 with much success. We also provide Mandibular Advancement Devices as needed. . Please ask any questions that you may have about Nightlase as i am the Developer of the protocol and training procedures in the U.S. and Canada.