Hi. I've been using CPAP for about a year. I was reluctant to be tested because I had done the whole sleep test thing in DC and was told that I did not sleep long enough to document apneas. I was told that a dental device might help. So I got a MAD and used it with some relief until TMJ set in and I stopped using it. Fast forward 20 years and a cardiologist said my holter monitor showed a typical apnea pattern and I was diagnosed with tachycardia. I was very tired and slept fitfully for about 5 hours a night. My GP convinced me to get a sleep study and I was finally at age 72 diagnosed with mild sleep apnea on my side and unknown supine sleep apnea as the sleep lab couldn't get me to sleep on my back even with ambien. I was started on CPAP because my SO2 was pretty low and I had a lot of hypopneas with a few obstructives and centrals. I tried many many masks and finally settled on and now use an AirFit F10 with a Resmed autoset with a heated hose and humidifier. I love it. After one year of many battles I finally sleep 9 hours a night with an AHI of <1. I feel much better but still have BP and heart issues. I use my machine for all naps and sleeping. I would be happy to help anyone just starting out. It is a huge learning curve but well worth the journey.