Hi DanM - thanks I'll go look it up. I keep hoping to find someone with an answer. LOL
I have not tried acupuncture. I am a migraine sufferer from way back. I had assumed it was from getting regular migraines. I will have to try the massage too. thanks!
I get morning migraines almost each day. Is there any research around this?
Interestingly enough, I was tired a lot too even tho I faithfully used my cpap. It was not until I had my doctor switch me from a beta blocker to a regular blood pressure medicine, that my body feels great. However, I have seen an increase of morning migraines.
could medicine be causing your fatigue?
HI, I have had sleep apnea since 2009. I was falling asleep at my desk at work. Then I had to deal with the medical folks who knew just enough to send me for a sleep study and get a machine, but was afraid to up my flow rates. I am now being seen by a doctor who understands all this. I just got another sleep study at the end of last year/first of this year.