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I asked because if one has both CHF and central apnea, sometimes PAP usage is contra-indicated. There was a large NIH study recently looking at he alternative of O2 treatment for that complicated situation, but unfortunately the study was defunded prior to completion, so no firm conclusions were reached.
You need a thorough workup by your doctors, so seeing a cardiologist and completing your upcoming tests sounds as though you’re on the right track. And, of course, the onset after COVID may be a big clue. Good Luck! And let us know how it turns out when you get the explanation/solution.
Las Vegas: A prevalence of centrals can make treatment considerably trickier. Treating pure OSA is more straight- forward Do you, by any chance, also have CHF?
I had more success with a nasal mask (not too minimalist) combined with a chin strap. However, I needed the chin strap only in the beginning. After a while, I was able to keep my mouth shut while sleeping, so no mouth leaks…’s usually easier to get a good seal wit a nasal mask because there are fewer points of contact and facial contours to be accommodated. BTW, it’s not clear that PAP treatment alone will result in weight loss. In fact, the contrary may be true.
I don’t know much about tidal volume, either. And I’ve no idea of the degree to which it may be clinically important- or not.
However, I would purchase and use an overnight recording oximeter to check your O2 desaturation levels throughout the night. If you are desaturating for some reason, THAT could account for the anxiety levels increasing. And if you aren’t desaturating, at least you will know that your body is getting the O2 it needs.
Also, what machines did you switch from and to? If the machines/pressure settings are different, the expected tidal volumes may differ, too. Have you raised the question with the respective manufacturer(s)?
Also, one would think that, all other things being equal, there might be a relationship between pressure settings and expected tidal volumes, but that’s not something I’ve ever researched…
It’s a general issue though, because one needs it most when the lungs and O2 levels are impaired as would be typical during a flu, bad cold, or even COVID (PAP machines were used in the US, at least, as a form of non-invasive ventilators.
On the other hand, PAP therapy is contraindicated among those with a combination of CHF and centrals. So, it’s complicated….
Airboss27: I just saw the earliest part of this discussion where you raised the question about PAP forcing the infection deeper into the lungs. My Dad had that concern, and it drove him away fro using the machine in his last years. It’s an interesting question because part of how you rid yourself of a respiratory infection is the upward motion of cilia and the coughing process. Let us know what your doc or sleep lab says on the subject…
airboss27: using PAP would probably help you, personally and help maintain your O2 levels. If you don’t already have an overnight recording oximeter, try to get one, so you can check on your O2 levels during sleep. (They are available inline, but tend to go out of stock during COVID outbreaks. But it’s like having a thermometer or BP cuff on hand. Good to have in the house.)
The big problem is, absent some filtration, the exhalation ports will spread the pathogens, of whatever nature, around the room. Any roommate or bed partner should move out for the duration and sleep in another room. Also, HEPA filters on all the air-ducts might not be a bad idea.
I’ve had the same experience with the reservoir. It must be firmly seated and pushed into place securely.
I concur in Sierra’s opinion as to the RESMED Airsense10 autosets being the best machines- also the Gen 11 machines, if you can get one. The RESMEDs have proprietary algorithms that adjust to your changing pressure needs within three breaths. They are anticipatory. That’s very helpful in avoiding events….
Machine availability is a huge problem at the moment due to the combination of the pandemic and the Philips recall. I would try the various websites re APAP availability dates and, if nothing is available, consider whether you could use a small travel unit in the interim. Some of those seem to be available.