I'm a 56-year-old man just trying to get a good nights sleep.
Lehigh Valley, PA
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Last night was my first night wearing a full mask C-PAC machine. I wouldn't call it a comfortable night but it wasn't uncomfortable either... if that makes any sense. I didn't wake up at all and usually, 1 to 2 or 3 times a night, I make a trip to the bathroom. Not last night. the machine said I slept 6.9 hours which if true was basically(almost I turned the light off 71/2 hours before my alarm set) the whole time from when I went to bed. I did notice that all the water was out of my reservoir but only had a slightly dry mouth. In the past 6 or 8 months every time I woke to go to the bathroom I had a very dry mouth and easily drank 2 to 3 bottles of water throughout the night. I guess that's partly why I in the bathroom so much at night. I like sleeping on my side but I did not feel like the mask was sealed well when I did so I spent most of it on my back. That's ok but I am more comfortable on my side. I hope this works out 1 way or another cause I feel this will be my biggest challenge when it comes to the machine. Any advice is appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read my first impressions of "MyApmea".