What can happen with some people, though rare, it is not uncommon. The breathing gets shallower and shallower and the oxygen level drops. I do this, even f I am just sitting in a chair very relaxed I notice that my breathing has gone very shallow, even on occasions I hhave stopped breathing, just for a second or two. Then my brain kicks in and makes me breathe again. I do not stop breathing with the cpap on, but I do shallow breath, I have caught myself doing it when is semi conscious state. I would be concerned if your oxygen dropped to mid or low 80s and worried if it went into the 70s. Lower 80s might give you a fuzzy head in the morning to say the least.
An APAP is the best option every time as it can do both. Set an APAP to cover 90 to 95% of your events and let it take of the others using the APAP settings. If you do not need a machine that is required for more complex sleep apnea an APAP is the best option.
ResMed did an update that they said would change everyone's numbers. L/min is always there, even if you don't have a leak at all. It changes with the mask you use, it appears to be a lot more with a Nasal mask and even more with a FFmask. It must be something to do with the vent sizes as I often do not have any leaks at all and still get a L/min number. All that you need to worry about is if it take a big jump from your normal reading. I would just take a note of where it normally sits now and only worry about it if it goes up a bit. Even then, if it is an APAP you are using it should adjust the flow to make up for a small leak. ResMed themselves said that everyone would have higher numbers using MyAir since December.
As above says, if your Nasal mask is to tight it will hurt your top teeth. How are you getting on with the Nasal Pillows?