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I have a Resmed Airsense 10 and Smartstart is listed in the patients screen.
I used to wake up with very dry mouth, but then I was given a heated tube to go with my Resmed 10 and it certainly has helped quite a bit. I also used a nasal mask. My mouth is sometimes a little dry but nowhere near as bad as what it used to be. I have both the humidifier and heated tube on auto setting and I have not noticed any difference between not having the heated tube and having the heated tube in regards to hot air. I was also given a chin strap which certainly reduced quite significantly the leaks registered on the machine that I was having with sleeping with my mouth open.
I hinted/suggested at least half a dozen times to my specialist for me to try out a chin strap but he just got on the phone to the guys that support my equipment and told them to give me a machine with a better humidifier. On my current Airsense 10, there did seem to be a marginal improvement at setting 6, but then I got the rainouts. I have been doing lots of googling about my condition as it would be nice if I could have a full nights sleep instead of waking up 3-5 times a night with dry mouth or mask leaks. I have read about the mouthguards and lozenges etc but I will go with the specialists recommendations first before trying other remedies.
Hi, I have been using a CPAP machine for about 4 months now. (Resmed Airsense 10) I was diagnosed with Apnea with a reading of 37. My average AHI is now 0.7 but leaks are at an average of 23. Which seems to be down to me breathing through my mouth whilst asleep as I can wake up 2 or 3 times a night with very dry mouth. I am currently using nasal pillows and sometimes nasal mask. My specialist has recommended changing my CPAP machine to another model which has a better humidifier. They will be changing this next week. With my current machine, if I use the humidifier with a setting of 6, I get rainouts. My question is, last night I went to bed using my nasal pillows and after a short while, I was feeling a burning sensation in one nostril, so I thought I would change over to the nasal mask. But, when I switched off the machine I noticed that the time used was just 16 minutes and the events per hour reading was 7.5. Now, I had not fallen to sleep during these 16 minutes, so why 7.5 already?