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@Sierra, let me know if this is what you were thinking
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to respond. I have results that I can share for last night, is there a way in OSCAR to share the image like you did above or or are you just taking a screen grab and posting? I would guess that the stopped breathing/body jolted awake gasping lasted around the first 40 min of me trying to sleep. I woke up occasionally to roll over, nudge a snoring partner, etc. but did not have those 'gasping' moments so it should show something useful on the reports.
Thanks, downloaded OSCAR today, is that the same thing as sleepyhead? What should I be looking for that would indicate airflow? I know when I had it set to a pressure range (12 - 15) I tried to notice at what pressure it was happening and it seemed it would happen at any of those.
Thank you, I’ve read about Oscar but when I looked at sample reports it was all Greek to me. Hopefully I can get some reports and maybe people on this forum can help me understand what I’m looking at. I also don’t know how to get my machine to record on the data card. This machine transmits my data over WiFi to my doctor.
Thank you, I’ll look into that. I don’t know that I’d be able to tell what I’m looking at when I get results though. I did wonder about hypno jerks, but haven’t been able to find any info about ones that literally will last all night. Because they don’t seem to happen every night, I’ve just hoped it was something I’d get used to the not knowing when they’re going to happen is causing a lot of anxiety.
I started CPAP therapy over 8 years ago and used a Phillips Respironics Remstar Pro C-Flex + System one. In May last year I got a Airsense 10. It took some time to get the settings right on that. When I don’t use a cpap, I can’t sleep. It’s not my possible. My body jolts me awake as soon as I start to fall asleep, presumably when I stop breathing. With the AirSense 10, no matter what the settings are (EPR, no EPR, autoset, cpap, lowering ramp, etc) I have nights (not every night) where my body does that. As I’m falling asleep I’ll jolt awake, heart racing. If I’m lucky it will happen once or twice that I’m aware of. I’ve had nights where it will last hours or in a couple of instances, all night. Im at a total loss. I can’t go back to the Phillips because of the recall. My results on my air score is always 100. It says I have 1.5 - 3 AHI per hour.
I never had anything like this in the 7 years I was using the system one. My sleep doc just kind of shrugs and says the reports look fine.