I set it to pressures 4 for the min and max not the DR. I still can't make it though a night with it. But I'm not waking up with my heart racing in a panic attack.
When your in the DR office they sure make this sound like magic that fixes everything. DR pointed out surgery and the mouth pice and ground on both. To be honest this is more for my wife than me. My snoring was very load and bothers her. So now I'm $1,500 at this point and will have a buy out in 60 days for $300 so no more COMPLIANT.... BS.
However, I regret All the money at this point and find my self resenting everything.
Wow, so true. Before getting this I never had problems sleeping. Always woke up and ready to go... Now I'm on day 30 and still hate every night with it. When I took the sleep study my score was 6.5. Of course the place was like you get a cpap. I was given one with the only message I walked out with was I MUST BE COMPLIANT! 4 hours manitory. I spent the first 2 weeks really trying but with no luck. I would ware it 4 hours with me being awake the taking it off and then really sleaping... got to sleep. I was walking around like a zombie at work and nearly fell asleep at the wheel. I called stating my problems. They gave me ambient. In reading I found that the high pressure was the problem. As I stated I was at a 6.5 going in, my prescription was 8 low to 15 high. This is way too high.
I found the way to turn down the pressures. Hold down the DIAL AND THE HOME KEY at the same time for 5 sec. I keep turning it down to see the results. Currently my low is 4.8 and high of 5.5, with my ahi of under 2.
I saw the DR for the first time. I explained I changed the levels and as long as I stay under 5 no problems. I have problems that it was set so high I the first place. I stated that I still could not sleep all night. Was offered more drugs ..... Wow.
For now the snoring is gone with it on. However that is the only plus side. I'm overtired now every day I'm sleeping about 6-7 hours with it, but never asleep all night. I hope this helps someone.
It just sucks